So, since I'm sure that you ALL ;-) have missed me (and my posts), I thought it would be nice to let you know that I'm BACK! Things got a bit CUH-RAZY around here for a bit, but I think that they are getting back under control **knock on wood.**
Anyhow, like I said, things HAVE been busy, I've been knee deep in coupons (in case you haven't visited our coupon clipping service, YOU SHOULD... we work REALLY hard to make it the BEST!), working on the sandbox (with the Handy Hubby ;-)), keeping up with 2 1/2 kids (no, I'm NOT pregnant... I keep my friend's sweet 6 month old baby 3 days/week), not to mention all of the EVERYDAY things we all have to do. Sooooooo... unfortunately, the blog got bumped to the back burner :-(
With that said, how do YOU do it? How do you manage to fit EVERYTHING in?? Schedules change... things come up... BUT, day in day out... what do YOU do to stay sane to make sure that you don't feel like a COMPLETE failure :-( (which all too often we do). WHY do we do that anyhow? I mean, really... ANYHOW.. I'll try to stay focused here... Help me out ladies...
Let's Chat...
Nothings broken, noones crying or bleeding, tummys are full and bills are paid. on the worst days, as long as all that is true the rest is just extra.... and it can wait til tomorrow. :)