Ok... so I got my latest issue of
Parents magazine a week or so ago. As usual, I immediately opened to the back to read my FAVORITE page! There's a page where parents share bloopers involving their kids! It might be something they said, or how they said it... but any way you look at it... it's HILARIOUS!

This page has inspired me to start a place where we as moms can share these types of moments. I mean seriously, who COULDN'T use a good laugh?! We ALL have days like that! So... I've made a new page (tab at the top) called '
Bloopers' you can click there and then 'add a comment' to share a funny story with us! I'm going to try to feature/share some of the stories... just to brighten someone's day!!
This means... I will REALLY need your help and stories! Thanks HH readers!!! YOU ROCK!!!
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