Thanks to Living Locurto for inspiring this rainy day FUN! We didn't have large marshmallows but man I WISH we would have! And I can ASSURE you that we WILL be doing this again and we will be trying it with marshmallows.
So here's the gist... you pour little cups of milk (we used regular milk... but you can use sweetened condensed milk too) and add food coloring. You pop a bag of popcorn. And... you paint it!
The cool part is... if the kids eat it... NO BIG DEAL!
We didn't have paint brushes (this was TOTALLY a last minute craft because we were getting stir crazy with the AWFUL weather), so we dunked the popcorn. Not as much fun to eat that way because it got mushy and whatnot... but I laid out a piece of wax paper and A decorated the paper with colorful popcorn and had a BLAST!
YAY! Thanks HH readers for sharing pics of your adorable kiddos painting popcorn too!! Glad you enjoyed it!!!

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