
Mod Podge Letter

So while pinning... I got this idea.

(You can see my DIY board here to check it out for yourself... the page no longer exists though.)

Here's what I did...

I bought 2 pieces of styrofoam from a craft store.  My sister, who works at a furniture store informed me that some places will just GIVE AWAY pieces of styrofoam that they have from shipping.  Once the products come in and are unpacked, that styrofoam is just thrown away.  So, THAT would be a GREAT place to start.  This project would have been SUPER cheap (nearly FREE) if I had gotten the styrofoam for FREE.

Anyhow, the pieces where long and skinny so, I put them together by hot gluing craft sticks to the back.

Then, I printed out some black and white pictures.

**IMPORTANT** Regular school glue discolored my pictures.  A glueSTICK worked best (I even used the purple one) to glue the pictures onto the styrofoam.  Then, I used Mod Podge to cover the pictures.  I did 2 coats of that.  To finish, I sprayed with a clear coat sealer.  That's it.  SO EASY!!!


  1. and so cute too!! Love this idea. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Hi, Coming from vb. This is a great idea! I'd love to showcase it on my site. It would also be perfect for you to add it to my Tuesday's Nursery link party. Hope you can make it! Nice to meet you!

  3. Saw this on Pinterest, too, but haven't done it yet. Super cute. Way to go! Love your fun site design, btw.

  4. Thanks ladies! I loved making it! It was super fun to look through all of the pictures! Using styrofoam was key too... SUPER light and not breakable ;-) with 2 little ones running around, THAT is key!!

  5. This is so cute! Please post it to Stir Stitch and Straighten!! http://notyourordinaryrecipes.blogspot.com
    Following from VB

  6. Very clever and creative! I like your new blog design too!

    Thank you for visting my blog the other day and I noticed you stumbled one of my posts. That was so nice!!

    Michael Ann
