
ABCs of ME

I was given this challenge and encourage you to try it out too!  Feel free to e-mail it to me if you do... I'm not going to lie... it WASN'T EASY!  But, it was pretty fun :-)

Age: 30... that's right, I'm in the 3's now...
Beginner blogger
Daughter (favorite daughter of course HA!)
Early riser (NOT by choice)
Facebook stalker
Graduated from FAU
Hometown is Vero Beach, FL now living in Savannah, GA
Ice cream-aholic
Joker... I'm a huge fan of jokes
Katie... that's my name :-)
Love living life!!
Mother of 2
Never a dull moment in mi casa
Oldest of 3
Peavley- it's my last name :-)
Quote "if you're gonna be dumb, you've gotta be tough"
Ranger wife
Swine shower... HA!  In high school, but it's still fun!
Upbeat... I like to find the :-) in things!
Voiceboks member... it has been a HUGE help with my blog
Work at home mom... not sure how someone who stays at home DOESN'T work...
eXtremely blessed
YMCA member... AAAAAND... I LOVE it!!!
Zuma LOVE playing it on FB


  1. Great list! voiceBoks is so great =) And, I agree - what person who stays at home doesn't WORK? I've learned this past summer that being a SAHM is more work than my job.

    New follower!

    Spilled Milkshake

  2. Thanks Christina! Just checked out your ABCs... having issues commenting (but I'll try again). I'm following you back! btw... I LOOOOOOOOOVE milkshakes... I might actually cry over a spilled one... LOL :-)

  3. Great list!
    I have been to Vero Beach. There is a good outlet mall there if I recall...

  4. Back to follow - thanks for stopping by! xo

  5. Hi! Thanks for commenting on my ABC's
    Cool List! I'm 6 years older than you! XD
    About my camera it is a:Canon Power Shot SX210 IS

    You can check out a picture I took with it here:

  6. Aren't all FB users a stalker on some level?? I know I am :-)

    *visiting from VB

  7. Great job on this. Love your I and W.

  8. Isn't it funny how there's so many kind of "aholics"...I'd be an ice cream-aholic, cake-aholic, and overall foodaholic!

    Cool Bean Momma

  9. Each time I read another one of our lists I am amazed how each blogger puts their own spin and creativity in each piece!! I love this list, and I especially like W, you put it so perfectly!! I'm also the oldest of 3!! And I love your N! And, icecream is a guilty pleasure of mine too!! Great!!

  10. Cute list! My fave is Q - "if you're gonna be dumb, you've gotta be tough"... ain't that so true?

    I'm visiting from voiceboks :)

    Spanish Pinay

  11. So true work at home is literally working at home. Loved your list and laughed when you called yourself a Facebook stalker. Nice to meet you via VB!

  12. Katie, my name is Sue, and I too am an ice-cream-aholic! Ha ha! Great list!

  13. Great list!

    Visiting from vb and WWW.Simplycrazybeautiful95@blogspot.com

  14. LOL!! Great quote. I'm originally from Central Florida, so we used to go to Vero a lot. My aunt still lives in Vero and my cousin lives in Palm Bay. Man, I miss FL! Already a follower, but stopped in from vB to check out your list!
