
Help out an East African Child for $10 TODAY

Today, Moolala is proud to spotlight Appleseed Ministry Group, which helps the poorest of the poor in rural Kenya. Donate $10, and your donation will be generously matched. Since proceeds are benefiting Appleseed Ministry Group, the paymatrix is taking some time off to work on its valedictorian speech.  CLICK HERE to make a donation NOW!

Appleseed Ministry Group's goal is to see the poorest of the poor given the opportunity to live a productive life spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. Through education and essential services, they seek to break the cycle of poverty. They maintain a village school/orphanage, providing education and necessities like mosquito netting, food, and medical care. The Women's Vocational Training Center in Kitale enables single mothers and widows to develop skills that allow them to radically transform their lives with sustainable income.

Appleseed Ministry Group has also initiated a church-planting movement, equipping local believers to start their own churches at home. Currently, churches are being founded at the rate of nearly one per day through East Africa.

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